7 Easy Steps How To Care Rose Plant In Summer-Pro Tips

Rose Plants are marvelous beauty. Roses are flowers with a rich scent. Roses are one of the most loved flowers in the world. These stunning and fragrant symbols of love have been in cultivation for thousand of year. In this blogg i teach you 7 Easy Steps How To Care Rose Plant In Summer-Pro Tips

Roses are multi-petal flowers available in an array of colours. But caring after them can be a bit tricky and you can often find them struggling to survive.

7 Easy Steps How To Care Rose Plant In Summer-Pro Tips
7 Easy Steps How To Care Rose Plant In Summer-Pro Tips





How to Care Rose Plant In Any Season In India

For proper Rose Plant Care In India, provide it with full sunlight and water it only when the  top of the soil gets dry, dont overwatering and provide it with good fertilizer with all 13 elements which need for any plants. you have to know how to care rose plant from insects. in this blogg i teach you.s7 Easy Steps How To Care Rose Plant In Summer-Pro Tip

Sunlight Requirement of Rose Plant

The first care pro tip for the Rose Plant is to provide it with full sunlight which is around 5-6 hours of direct sunlight in winter and monsoon season

Rose Plant thrives best under direct sunlight and will bloom exceptionally well in this condition.

but during the summer sesason when the sunlight is very harsh, you have to place them in shaded area where harsh sunlight is not rays there. if your plant in direct sunlight in summer plant can get sunburnt.

Potting Mix For Rose

Rose needs soil that is rich in nutrition with fast-drainage capacity and water holding capacity also.

It means potting soil needs to have good amount of compost fertilizer and should be able drain out extra water and hold enough moist.

in this blogg i teach you 7 Easy Steps How To Care Rose Plant In Summer-Pro Tips and how to make your own potting mix at home

  • Garden Soil-35%
  • Sand- 15% (sand size 2mm appro.)
  • compost or vermicompost- 35% (best quality vermicompost)
  • coco peat or perlite- 15%

For Best Quality coco peat or perlite

if you dont want to make your own potting soil, you can get this from https://myhealthyplant.in

How To Watering Your Rose Plant

Major problem is people losing them beautiful rose plant because they dont know how to watering rose plant.

Although, a rose plan needs a water but over water it caused root rot which is fatal for it.

you have to watering your plant when top few inches of the soil to dry

for root rot always over watering is main reason.

our goal is keep soil always moist.

7 Easy Steps How To Care Rose Plant In Summer-Pro Tips

When to water a Rose Plant

The best time to watering your Rose Plant is early in the morning or eveing. Golden light hours are best time for watering your plant.

For rose plant morning time is best because water over leaves if stays there it is evaporate in day time

because funges problem create when extra water store.7 Easy Steps How To Care Rose Plant In Summer-Pro Tips



How to Fertilize your Rose plant

in evening best time fertilize your plant. golden hours are best time for fertilize your plant

Nutrient           target value

pH                       5.5-6

EC                          1

all 13 elements requirement for plant. liquid fertilizer is best for Rose Plant.7 Easy Steps How To Care Rose Plant In Summer-Pro Tips

Rose Flower Season In India

spring, summer & Fall Season. You have to provide your Rose plant with good quality liquid fertilizer with all 13 elements. best liquid  fertilizer

For blooming and healthy rose plant growth use liquid fertilizer every 15 days.7 Easy Steps How To Care Rose Plant In Summer-Pro Tips


Never apply fertilizer in direct sun light. if you apply it ll impact on your rose plant ROOT ZONE.

always apply your fertilizer 4 to 5 hours gap after watering. Best way in morning you watering your plant. in Evening Fertilize your Rose Plant


Pruning simply means cutting off dead branches, leaves and flowers.

pruning is best way to your Rose Plant healthy. pruning is boost your blooming power.

always use pruner. dont use your bare hands as rose plants have pointy throns otherwise you can get injured


Protecting Rose Plant From Pest

Rose Plant is Often attackled by pests and fungus. Rose Plant is often attacked by Rose Cutter Bee.

you have to use 100% Organic pest spray.

For best result use once in a month.

7 Easy Steps How To Care Rose Plant In Summer-Pro Tips

Dead Heading For Roses

  • remove all the spent flowers.
  • remove all dead leaves.
  • Do not remove all leaves because it is stop your blooming.
  • use sharpe scissors or plant scissors and with hand gloves.

Prune Bushes To Maintain Shape

Prune roses in last summer. repeatedly cut blooming will start late July to early August. In about six to seven weeks will bring a final  flush of blooms

Keep the cut angle of 45 degree to allow for water runoff.

After all cutting and prunning always apply antifungal spray.

7 Easy Steps How To Care Rose Plant In Summer-Pro Tips

Cut Flowers Carefully

For best results, always cut roses early in the morning when watering your plant.

always use plant scissor

cut roses with long steams. and apply water immediately after cut roses.

what is the best month to plant roses?

winter is best month to plant roses

how to grow rose plant at home

read our blogg care fully https://homegardeningsmartly.com/7-easy-steps-how-to-care-rose-plant-in-summer-pro-tips/



7 Easy Steps How To Care Rose Plant In Summer-Pro Tips

7 Easy Steps How To Care Rose Plant In Summer-Pro Tips
7 Easy Steps How To Care Rose Plant In Summer-Pro Tips






Wrapping Up:

with your perfect care you flowering your rose plant. And the amount of happiness and positivity that roses will provide you is just majestic. Rose Flower give you satisfaction


Q-1 How do you protect roses in the summer?

water regularly. best time to watering before 7.00 am in morning. or afetr 7.00pm after evening.

Q-2 Does rose plant need direct sunlight?

sunny area is best for Rose plants. in summer shift in shaded area.

Q-3 Can rose survive in summer?

Roses grow in warm weather. in summer you protect from harm sunlight and shifting in shaded area. if you dont have shaded area use GREENHOUSE net (70% sun protection)

Q-4 How do I make my rose plants flower more?

Use Liquid fertilizer with all 13 elements. best liquid fertilizer in india from myhealthyplant.in

Q-5 How do I make my rose plant healthy?

liquid fertilizer is best solution because no extra doses fo NPK. well balanced Liquid Fertilizer from myhealthyplant.in

Q-6 What makes roses last longer at home?

read our blogg 7 Easy Steps How To Care Rose Plant In Summer-Pro Tips
Q-7 how to grow rose plant faster
liquid fertilizer is best solution because no extra doses fo NPK. well balanced Liquid Fertilizer from myhealthyplant.in
Q-8 how to take care of roses in vase
liquid fertilizer is best solution because no extra doses fo NPK. well balanced Liquid Fertilizer from myhealthyplant.in
Q-9 Rose plant care indoor
liquid fertilizer is best solution because no extra doses fo NPK. well balanced Liquid Fertilizer from myhealthyplant.in
Q-10 Rose plant care in a pots
liquid fertilizer is best solution because no extra doses fo NPK. well balanced Liquid Fertilizer from myhealthyplant.in
Q-11 How to care for roses outdoors
liquid fertilizer is best solution because no extra doses fo NPK. well balanced Liquid Fertilizer from myhealthyplant.in



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